“Whenever you feel lonely, and need a little loving from home, just press your hand to your cheek and think Mommy loves you. That kiss will jump to your face and fill you with toasty warm thoughts.” As an elementary school teacher, I read many children’s books to my students. One of my favorites to read at the beginning of a new school year is The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. It tells of a little raccoon, Chester, which is leaving his mother for the first time to attend school. Being very nervous about being away from her, Chester’s mother teaches him a little secret. She kisses the palm of his hand and tells him that her love would always be with him.
A mother’s love for her child is very deep, but the love God has for us is far deeper. It is hard to fathom isn’t it? Sometimes I find myself feeling a little jealous of the disciples. They were able to walk with Jesus and talk with Him. They could see His earthly body. They witnessed His miracles…healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons and many more. They heard His teachings and were literally able to sit at his feet. Oh how I wish I could have been Mary and taken in His every word.
However, even though Jesus has returned to heaven, he did not and will not forsake us (Psalm 9:9-10). He gave us the Holy Spirit to dwell within us (John 14:16). We have the same ability to walk with Jesus day by day and learn from His Word. Do not miss that quiet voice of the Holy Spirit when He speaks to you. Learn to trust Him, rely on Him, and deeply love Him.
Just like Chester raccoon, when we are feeling anxious, depressed or lonely or even when you are experiencing a mountain top joy, never forget the Holy Spirit is with you.
Dear Lord, Thank you for dwelling within me. You are the Truth. I will cling to You daily. Guide me through this roller coaster we call life. I can do nothing without You. Amen
Kristie - The story of The Kissing Hand is very special to me. My daughters and I have a tradition where I put a kiss in their hands at bedtime or when they are going to be away from me. When my oldest began kindergarten, being the nervous mommy that I was that day, I put a kiss in her hand that morning and reminded her that I was with her all day, all she had to do was press my kiss to her cheek. To my amazement, when she came home from school that first day, her teacher had sent home the story "The Kissing Hand," and I read it for the first time. I knew God was confirming to me that He knew how much I loved her and He reminded me that He loved her even more. I love your comparing this story with the Holy Spirit being with us. Thank you for blessing me today.